2010年6月29日 星期二

新! New

太兴奋了!新教室!新学生!新动作!新衣服!新空调!新新新!Everybody 新 Now!

2010年6月27日 星期日

心情车站。Waiting Station

我每天都来到这座车站,耐心等候接下来的那一班车。我不知道这班车开往哪里,我只知道我有一辈子的光阴去体会这一件事。-- 心情车站

2010年6月16日 星期三

剧场排练。Theatre Practice


It's this Saturday, it's 'You Can't Imagine'! Don't ask people after the show, see us with your eyes and feel us with your heart.

2010年6月7日 星期一

元键艺术节。Primitive Bond Art Festival

It's always harder the first time you do it. Good news is we managed it, greater news is you will see this again next year, greatest news is you will see it too the year after.

I have been resting, yet feel weak still. Please don't remind me of the coming show in two weeks time and my few photography cases. I guess I need more sleep, good night people.

2010年6月3日 星期四

总有。There Is Always

There is always a spot for me, I believe.

服装设计:Yvonne Yong
发型设计:Rachel Lin
化妆:Hannah Tai