2009年12月3日 星期四

夜光之下。Under The Light

昨晚的月,好亮。元子见到我的第一句话就是,“拍月亮哦!” 嗯,也好,反正吃饱没事做。怎知道下楼下,发现他已经走了,呵呵!可能自己跑去拍了吧?呵呵!元子,如果你没拍,这张和你分享。如果你拍了,这张就当是成功的妈妈的例子吧,呵呵!
The moon was bright last night! Horace was telling me to shoot it but he left already when I came down again. Horace, let this be a sharing if you have not shot it, and be an example of bad picture if you have done it, hehe!

以前听某位高手说过,“我看球看了十多年,已经看到会打了。” 这句话,我到前两天才明白。道理其实很简单,只要让周遭的人都在学你看来的那套,错了也变对。也好,至少在山上还是猛虎。
I was once told by a very good coach that he had been WATCHING the game for so long, long enough for him to know how to play right away. I am going to be the next Roger Federer in Kota Kinabalu since I have been WATCHING his games. Well, at least the best in town.
