I have a very important friend,
Vanessa. I would like to share a very small story about her, a period where she and those people around her actually imspired me.
It was a few weeks before she further her studies. We were on the phone and she told me she could not come up with the amount of money for her studies. Knowing how smart she is, I felt what happened to her was really unfair. There was nothing much I could do besides wishing the very best for her. I then got her call some time later, sharing in a joyful tone that an auntie came up to support fees for her first semester of studies. I felt so happy for her, yet wondering how she would come up with fees for her second semester and so on.
Her worries repeated when first semester almost ended, mine too. It did not last that long this time because soon after our conversation about her difficulties in getting sufficient money for studies, she got supported again.
Good things happen twice to you only when you are an angel in life. She and those people who have helped her, are angels in life.
So this is what I have been wanting to do, to show love, and be an angel for people (okay, I know I am not fair and I do not have wings). This, Realise-A-Wish-For-You, is an action of love, An action to show you care about people around you.
I hereby 'officially' declare the beginning of my Realise-A-Wish-For-You campaign with my first guinea pig, Bonnie.
Its simple and straight forward, Bonnie wants a laptop for her further studies. I found out when I talked to her about earning pocket money through teaching a kid some moves. She accepted the offer without a second thought. She is saving hard to get her own laptop.
I shared this with
Yuky, she excitedly said she is willing to come up with RM10 each month to realise Bonnie's birthday (happens in November, I think) wish. Yuky is the first angel of this very first campaign! She will find her name in the Realise-A-Wish-For-You column! Join Yuky, join me, prove to Bonnie that she is lovely!
So this is not like donating to the needy, why should we care then? The answer is simple, realise her wish if you care about her. Be an angel, be her angel. One day, she will be an angel too for the needy.
Show your love to the world, start from your loved ones around you.