2015年12月31日 星期四

2015 Labuan Travel Log - 50 Frames of Analogue Black & White

算了一算,玩底片攝影也有五年了。從最開始的 LC-A+ 到今天黑白底片自沖自掃,這當中也走了不少冤枉路。還好,都值得。來到 2016 年,希望能夠用影片的方式多分享攝影和生活,趁還可以的時候多走多看!


2015年12月5日 星期六

Note To Self

A big problem that keeps dancers from progressing is a misconception of practice. When people ask me how to get better, they think I have a secret that will let them skip the hours of training that are required. So I'm sure they are disappointed when I say that they need to be intentional about getting better and put in more structured practice hours.
You might already be dancing a lot, but we often mistake dancing for practice. Unless you are mindfully improving your skills, you are just dancing. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's fun and we should enjoy it. But I don't want you to be disappointed that after hundreds of hours of dancing you haven't gotten any better.
Anyone who excels at what they do puts in hours of practice. Look at top caliber athletes, for example. Though they have a love for playing sports, the majority of their conditioning and preparation isn't spent playing pick-up games & scrimmages. It is spent lifting weights, stretching, running drills, building endurance, watching film, tracking nutrition, etc. Hours and hours dedicated every week so that when they actually do the thing they love - sports - they can perform at a high level.
So If you are serious about improving your dancing have a look at how (or if) you really practice. As artists, it's easy to contribute a lack of progression to a creative block. Though I've found in most cases plateaus stem from a failure to realize that inspiration isn't going to strike you. It will manifest once you've put in the work. - Kunle Oladehin   

2015年11月16日 星期一

Why Taipei So Many Times & Again? 為什麼一直飛台北?

Some time ago, I purchased a secondhand Pentax 21mm f3.2 lens online from a Taiwanese. I got the lens a month later, only to find out that it wouldn't focus properly on anything beyond 1.2m. Being more familiar with the camera industry (I constantly update myself on camera related topics in groups on Facebook) in Taipei, I have decided to fly there and have it repaired at one of the local shops recommended by the helpful ones online. Anyways, I got the lens repaired and managed to collect it a few days before I had to return home and got a few shots that I like.

幾個月前,我從網上和一位台灣人買下他的 Pentax 21mm f3.2 鏡頭。一個月後收到時才發現鏡頭對焦在 1.2m 以外沒有辦法完成任務。基於對台北相機行業比較熟悉的條件下,我決定把鏡頭帶過去,到一家網上用家還蠻推薦的店家去修。很幸運地,鏡頭在我回來之前修好了,也就造就了以下幾張自己還蠻喜歡的照片。

So, why Taipei so many times and again?
1, I was looking for Sony E mount 16mm f2.8 and Sony Malaysia could not provide it after so long. Got it in Taipei and cheaper.
2, I wanted to have the Pentax 21mm f3.2 lens repaired.
3, My brother from another mother, bboy Fooker, is finally back in Taipei from Japan after a year. We shared so much this time and I am inspired!
4, My another brother from another mother, Eddy, has promised to come up to Taipei from South and spend a few days with us.
5, Taipei is a nice place to visit, learn, have fun and relax. Apart from the disappointing weather that I had throughout the journey, I thoroughly enjoyed every single moment I spent there.

1, 我一直在找 Sony E mount 16mm f2.8 鏡頭,Sony Malaysia 用了幾十天時間沒有辦法寄出一顆給我,最後在台北用比較便宜的價錢買到了新品。
2, 我要修鏡頭。
3, 阿富從日本回到台北了。每次相聚都高唱豐收。
4, Eddy 說好會從高雄去到台北陪我們玩幾天。
5, 無論是觀光,學習,享樂還是放鬆,台北都是個好地方。只是這次比較可惜的是天氣欠佳。

If you have been to Taipei, share it with me.


2015 Taipei Travel Log Watch Here

2015年11月15日 星期日

可惜沒有很厲害。Just Not Good Enough



錄影角度:有時候在 Youtube 看見一些後製效果,這種 footages 就很適合拿來試,拿來玩。

It still feels awesome knowing I am constantly being better.
Videography POV: footages like these are very good for practice on applying effects I sometimes see on videos produced by others on Youtube.

2015年11月7日 星期六


Photography POV: I have been messing around with DSLR close to about 10 years now, from loving only Olympus to only not buying Canon, then shooting from digital to film and analysing light from natural light to flash then to chasing the perfect light. All this while, everything in my life has been revolving around this amazing hobby that I picked up. Sometimes I wonder, is it me having fun with photography, or is it photography having fun with my life?



Sometimes people don't realise they are actually great at something that they repeat everyday and have it planted so deep inside themselves. What looks basic to them, is so much of techniques and knowledge to us. 


I guess I won't get to eat his charcoal grilled pork as I don't really eat meat (apart from fish) no more.


2015年10月2日 星期五









2015年9月11日 星期五




後來不但沒有吸取教訓還變本加厲,搞了一個五天過海來回的納閩之旅。騎腳踏車那些心酸蛋疼的經歷,這裏輕輕帶過就好,免得看這篇東西的人對腳踏車留下錯誤的印象。那長時間靜靜思考的第二次,我一直在重複念著檳城粉絲跟我說過的一番話,內容大概是這樣:“偶像,我比較喜歡你以前的照片。現在的沒靈魂了。” 我們圍繞著這個話題聊了大概半小時,結論是我拍太多餐宴婚禮比賽表演開幕主持閉幕生日。。。了。也因為這段對話,我在14年把大部份的餐宴婚禮比賽表演開幕主持閉幕生日。。。推掉了,瘋狂地用了一年的時間拿起底片機拼命地拍,試圖找回連自己也不知道是什麼的失去。

今年7月28號,我,老哥和兆鴻打起 “勇氣越大,智商越低” 的口號,耗了16天,從哥打京那巴魯騎到古晉,全程大約1300公里,為全國最小型獨中募款。旅程完畢回來,休息足夠以後,我幹了一件讓自己驕傲得走路都有大風吹那種姿態的事情,我決定把網站給休了。那新客戶要怎麼看你的作品啊?對,就是看不到。要嘛不改,要改就徹徹底底地改掉讓自己原地踏步的東西。




p.s. 餐宴婚禮比賽表演開幕主持閉幕生日。。。還是會接,老子我還沒釣到願意幫我付保險車期早餐午餐晚餐店租電費水費。。。的女人。

2015年2月5日 星期四

2015 - 文字的回歸
