我昨天在教着大概30位學生怎麼發球的時候,注意到有位學生一直把球丟到空中。他每丟一次,身邊的同學都拍手叫好。我問一位白人學生,她沒說他有問題,她這麼回答我,“He is special”。嗯,是的,每丟一次,他們都喝彩一次。
這種教育,我相信看的人都會和我有一樣的想法。讓他覺得自己也可以。Maktab Nasional 的孩子們,好棒!
So there was this kid who acted a little differently among about 30 students from different countries at the volleyball session I conducted . I asked another white girl and she said,"He is special." He kept tossing balls into the air. Every time he tossed it, I heard cheers and applause. Yes, every single time.
This, is success education, to give him a better world, to make him feel home. Well done, kids from Maktab Nasional.