2012年3月26日 星期一

借我你的手。Lend Me Your Hands


There are so much in this world worth remembering, so much that it is impossible for me alone to capture them all. People may not allow me to as well. So the best way to to share. To share the joy of capturing, to share the value of pictures from today 10 years later and to share the opportunity of self improvement. That way, I get to see more through your hands, more love, more moments and more everlasting stories.

2012年3月9日 星期五


我以前把自己免費丟出去,都沒有一位攝影師願意帶我去體會婚宴和派對攝影。今天走過來了,也沒有要你做免費的,你是不是應該把重心放在學習和機會那裡? 我以前被教練操得小便出血,也沒哼一聲。後來我當上了最佳球員。今天你不繼續練習,是因為你覺得我給你臉色看?那你回家。我是教練,不是老豆。 這種現象,只會讓整個環境的水準下降。