2013年10月24日 星期四



2013年10月16日 星期三

2013年10月7日 星期一



Lomo LC-W & Voigtlander Bessa R3A

2013年8月28日 星期三



2013年8月20日 星期二


In life we meet different sort of people. Some don't talk as much, some never fail to make you laugh, and some just sit by your side living your life together.

It doesn't matter who you are or where you are from. What matters is you are all comfortable being different to each other and still stay together end of the day.

Go somewhere, recharge yourself there. Then, come back as a greater person to those who stay with you.

Kuala Penyu

Pentax K-5

2013年7月28日 星期日



2013年7月20日 星期六


時光是琥珀 淚一滴滴被反鎖
情書再不朽 也磨成沙漏

命運好幽默 讓愛的人都沉默
一整個宇宙 換一顆紅豆

我發現,我在對 “失去” 感覺越強烈的時候,腦袋能想到的事情,好多,好多。

2013年7月11日 星期四



Society is weird. They ask you to be yourself and yet they judge you for it. - online source.

2013年7月10日 星期三

Sunset Go About

Sunset Go About. - Voigtlander Bessa R3A

話說我很想敗 Yashica GSN 和 Minolta AF-C,嗯,我真的敗了。把一卷過期底片丟進 GSN 拍了一卷。沖洗出來的感想是 ——  這過期底片也過期得太厲害了吧?!沒辦法,再丟一卷進去試。還是很期待。


2013年6月30日 星期日


最近想敗的這台底片相機,在 flickriver 看了這些好漂亮的照片


2013年6月27日 星期四

不要放棄 。Please Don't Give Up

昨晚送我的女球員回家的路上,她問我:“我要怎樣進步?” 我想了想,我說:“妳每天都在進步。我不確定這是不是對的,可是我覺得每個人都應該在求進步的過程中有一個假想敵,而不是很滿足於現狀的說不要和別人比較。” 後來我們都靜了一下,下車前我又說:“妳不要放棄,我們也不會放棄妳。”

想了一下,身邊的環境真的很重要。而我,不管是在攝影,舞蹈還是排球,都有貴人在幫助。最重要還是這件事 —— 不要放棄。

When you really want something to happen, the whole world conspires to help you achieve it.
- Paulo Cohelo

2013年6月19日 星期三




2013年6月12日 星期三


Some say Amsterdam is a city of bicycle, I couldn't agree more.

Shooting film during a discovery of a city is a lot less stressful to myself. And I got so addicted to the feeling, I don't think I will ever go back to digital only. The whole idea of shooting film in life works so well on me.

2013年6月11日 星期二

For Your Good

If 90 minutes of teamwork session per week is really too much for you, I suggest you find something else you can commit to. It's for your good.

2013年5月15日 星期三


我若不曾愛過你 甘會這呢傷悲 思念的風 
微微啊吹 自透早吹到暗暝
我若不曾愛過你    甘會彼呢歡喜
少年的面 憨憨啊笑 自彼時笑到這時
幸福是別人的代誌 我的早就交付給妳
寂寞是沒愛的人無望的暗暝 越晚越無元氣 
我若不曾愛過妳 甘就怨嘆自己
天頂的月 靜靜啊照 自今夜照到過去

2013年3月21日 星期四


“Singers, Musicians, Dancers and Actors, are some of the most driven, courageous people on the face of the earth. They deal with more day-to-day rejection in one year than most people do in a lifetime. Every day, they face the financial challenge of living a freelance lifestyle, the disrespect of people who think they should get real jobs, and their own fear that they'll never work again. Every day, they have to ignore the possibility that the vision they have dedicated their lives to is a pipe dream. With every note, they stretch themselves, emotionally and physically, risking criticism and judgment. With every passing year, many of them watch as the other people their age achieve the predictable milestones of normal life - the car, the family, the house, the nest egg. Why? Because Actors, Dancers, Musicians and Singers are willing to give their entire lives to a moment - to that melody, that lyric, that chord, or that interpretation that will stir the audience's soul. Actors, Dancers, Singers and Musicians are beings who have tasted life's nectar in that crystal moment when they poured out their creative spirit and touched another's heart. In that instant, they were as close to magic, God, and perfection as anyone could ever be. And in their own hearts, they know that to dedicate oneself to that moment is worth a thousand lifetimes.” - David Ackert, LA Times

其實跳舞和拍照這兩件事,和維修汽車是一樣的。只是我們都只忽略了一件重要的事, 那就是你可以立刻看得見修好了的車子,卻要花上好多年才發現自己變美麗的心和紀錄下來的快樂。車子壞了要找人修因為你不會。那藝術工作者為美麗的故事燃燒生命,你為什麼還要刻薄?


2013年2月27日 星期三

《兩代》。Two Generations

去年年尾,我和某大師談起了自己想為這個社會拍攝的一個主題,一個可以一直拍下去的主題。我說:“其實我們都不應該忘記今天的自己是誰造就的。” 當然,大師很鼓勵,說非拍不可。
《兩代》說的是飲水思源的故事,說的是整個環境變遷留下來不可忽略的歷史,說的是你和我的今天與昨天。社會上一代的努力,造就了這一代的新血。今天的你,和造就了你今天的上一代說了一聲 “謝謝” 了嗎?
非常感激願意為我開個頭,讓我拍攝的五位人士 - 劉偉義,餘佳瑄,餘自源,黃松洺和劉國成。如果你也願意為這個環境出一分力,讓我為你分享你的《兩代》,請一定要到 skyler.storyteller@gmail.com 找我!
在亞庇的朋友們,記得到 Suria Sabah 多多支持了!謝謝!
I was telling a mentor last year, about an on-going project that I wished to shoot for the society, something that can remind all of us not to forget where we come from. I immediately had his support.
It was only until January this year that I finally had my first batch of subjects, shooting direction, exhibition location and printing all confirmed. After a month of scheduling, shooting, losing files (dropped my hard disc) and re-shoot, I finally had my first 5 images sent to be printed the fine art way. Pro Art was awesome. Today, I am very happy to tell you that my first mini exhibition is finally going on in Suria Sabah! I call it ‘Two generations’.
‘Two Generations’ tells a story about appreciation; about history that had contributed to the society we live in; about our past and our present. It was handwork and perseverance from the previous generation, that had given us new blood today. have you, in the present, expressed your gratitude, by saying ‘thank you’ to the people that had made you what you are today?
I have to thank Christopher Liew, Yii Tze Yuan, Relx Wong, Anne Yee and Kenneth Liew for willing to make a start for me and the society. Should you wish to share your story of ‘Two Generations’ with us too, please do not hesitate to contact me via skyler.storyteller@gmail.com! Please!
For those living in the city of Sang Nyuk Mian, I hope you can drop by to support! Thank you!

2013年1月2日 星期三

Survival 。 求存

2012 只是填表格參加,2013 遊戲才開始。