2010年2月28日 星期日


Sean left at 6a.m. this morning to continue his studies. I look forward to eating more great cakes and bread from him.

Synergy's Dance Delight 10 has set to be in action in April! People, we shall nail this! For those who missed the previous ones, be early this year ^^

2010年2月25日 星期四


I finally get to play ball today after long vacation and work. Better off, met a special old friend. Surprisingly, he has problem with directions in life too.
To me, it really does not matter much which direction you are taking, they all are adventurous. I am a human being and human being is designed to be greedy. I shall kiss you if you let me take all.
I still have a world to see.

2010年2月23日 星期二



2010年2月21日 星期日


My highschool mate, Roger, joined the married club. Hope the slideshow I did came out okay. I'm sorry my friend, I wasn't feeling so well and I had to send someone off, so I missed the dinner. Finished post processing for Alvira's family series just half an hour ago. Enough with post processing, I want to start shooting. I want to tell stories, hehe!

今年的新年过得比较不一样了。有感人的Chap Pa Lang,还有好玩的全家福摄影。单是这个新年宝宝就让我看得很爽了。今年,要过得不一样!
With the funny yet touching Chap Pa Lang and a shooting job on family series, this Chinese New Year seems to be a better one. Good time for me to turn better.

2010年2月15日 星期一

新年快乐。Happy Chinese New Year

今年的全家福,是在 Chap Pa Lang 后,大家满身大汗的情况下拍的。这次只有一个男的(伟杰),四个女的。
We take family photo every year in nice new clothes but not this year. Still, a great moment after Chap Pa Lang.

Chap Pa Lang 也只是一个忙碌的开始。年初一和年初二,做了两天的表演。还好还有一群愿意牺牲赌牌时间的舞者们,不然应该是三兄弟演哑剧了。谢谢你们!
Chap Pa Lang was just a beginning. We performed 6 dances each yesterday and today. I thought it was going to be just me and my brothers jumping around this time since it is Chinese New Year. Many thanks to those who stayed with us ^^

Another performance to handle on the 19th. Let's hope it will be smooth so I won't look that busy!

2010年2月12日 星期五

差吧浪。Chap Pa Lang

One-hour Experimental Theatre 'Chap Pa Lang' will be held in a few more hours. For those who haven't got your tickets, we only have 10 more left for the show. Call me ^^