2010年2月15日 星期一

新年快乐。Happy Chinese New Year

今年的全家福,是在 Chap Pa Lang 后,大家满身大汗的情况下拍的。这次只有一个男的(伟杰),四个女的。
We take family photo every year in nice new clothes but not this year. Still, a great moment after Chap Pa Lang.

Chap Pa Lang 也只是一个忙碌的开始。年初一和年初二,做了两天的表演。还好还有一群愿意牺牲赌牌时间的舞者们,不然应该是三兄弟演哑剧了。谢谢你们!
Chap Pa Lang was just a beginning. We performed 6 dances each yesterday and today. I thought it was going to be just me and my brothers jumping around this time since it is Chinese New Year. Many thanks to those who stayed with us ^^

Another performance to handle on the 19th. Let's hope it will be smooth so I won't look that busy!

5 則留言:

beryl·bdlg¹² 提到...

where you gonna be performing on the 19th? man..i missed two of it!! =/

Skyler 提到...

Beryl, 19th at ttss. they sell tickets for this coming event, rm80 if im not wrong ^^ what have you done for the past 2 days?

beryl·bdlg¹² 提到...

wow that is expensive == haha!! me? sleep eat sleep eat..hang out with friends ~.~ nothing interesting but then just now went to beach to shoot some photo lo hehe!

Skyler 提到...

ahhh! talk about photoshooting, we haven't shot together this time! when are u leaving?

beryl·bdlg¹² 提到...

lol yalo!! hahahhaa...soon 1st of march XD