2010年12月11日 星期六

Hobbycon 2010

I was at the hobbycon event 2010 setting up the photos I produced with Paperbags. I had to say I feel out of place, Yvonne felt the same too. Anyway, Photos below are part of the whole Warhammer 40k project. Should you want to see other photos taken by my friend, Feizi, visit HERE. By the way, I met Bobo at the event. He asked why I was there, I said I cosplay as Vui Hin Liew.

今天出席了一個我本人如果沒什麼事做都不會去的場合——Hobbycon 2010。還是那句,同學們好大的勇氣哦!當然我沒有逗留太久,把照片上完架後就離開了。Yvonne和我都覺得我們在那裡是怪物。下面的照片是我的作品,整個成品你有興趣的話可以到這裡看看。肥仔拍得不錯哦!對了,我在那裡遇到寶寶,他問我為什麼會在那裡出現,我說我來扮劉偉興。

What do you think? Cool, right? I always know I am.

