2012年12月14日 星期五

12-12-11 & 12-12-12

去年的客戶在面子書上傳了一張我在她婚禮上拍的照片。才發覺,原來我 12-12-11 和 12-12-12 都在拍婚禮。那我希望我能過活過世界末日,然後 12-12-13 也拍個婚禮!

話說我好一陣子沒拍底片了,今天再把 Minolta Hi-Matic 7SII 拿出來看看能不能用,結果能!爽啊!

2012年11月12日 星期一

Moment from Let's Start From Home.

This photo was taken while I was on my travel documentary project around Sabah. Kids are sea professional. Their after school past time is catching fish for dinner. Please spend 8 minutes watching this story from my home, Sabah.

2012年11月8日 星期四

Let's Start From Home 。從心出發



John Lynch 在紀錄片 'Abroad' 說過這麼一句:“ When does a tourist become a traveler? ” 於是我開始收集故事。在擬定了用旅行紀錄故事這個大方向之後,我為這件小事取了一個自己覺得還不賴的小名字,叫《從心出發》。



After my high school graduation in year 2000, my great selfless mother sent me to Australia for the next 5 years, to study and to experience things I will never forget for the rest of my life.

In 2006, I finally came home. After a few searches and tryouts, I decided to record life through the eyes of my lens. I started recording travels, weddings and life. Then I noticed I have collected so many stories from so many different countries but none from my home, the place where I grow up. I didn't even know what kind of life those who live with me on this land are experiencing.

John Lynch in his documentary 'Abroad' asked 'When does a tourist become a traveler?' I then started to put together some puzzles. After having generated a direction of recording stories through traveling, I gave my little project a little name, 'Let's Start From Home'.

About a month ago, I started my first journey with 2 great assistants heading to the north of Borneo. It was amazing, how those who live with us on the same land, has so different point of view towards life from ours.

This is my first story on this land that I care. I hope you can spare me your valuable 8 minutes, to remember faces of those young kids. Because they will be sacrificed by the greedy world and before they even notice, they will have nowhere to go, no home to return. Can somebody help them?

2012年11月3日 星期六

我喜歡所以我跟!I Love It So I Follow!

Japan Camera Hunter 很常在做這件事情,那天心血來潮決定跟跟風,看看自己能拍到幾個!就叫我的“第n個包包“。

第一個包包,Stephennie 楊。

He/She does it a lot, over 300 of pictures of them! I am trying to see how many I can shoot this kind of pictures inspired by the Japan Camera Hunter! Let's call mine 'nth Bag Stalked'.

1st Bag Stalked, Stephennie Yong

2012年10月12日 星期五


以前對人像看了又看,把談論人像攝影的內容讀了再讀,覺得大家都好強。有些寫的是中文,我以為是外語,因為深得看不懂!可是就是有寫人像讓我回味無窮,只是那時候根本解釋不了為甚麼喜歡那些照片。這幾年多虧攝影把我帶到更多不同的地方,看到了更多不同的人文和環境。我才慢慢發現,自己喜歡的人像,好像非得要有至少那麼一點點的 “自由的空氣”。這只是我對自己的重大發現,可能你根本不知道我在放的是甚麼屁,呵呵!

2012年10月8日 星期一


趕啊趕,趕啊趕,趕完 KL 趕 Langkawi!

2012年7月3日 星期二

方向。Storyteller Creative Factory







Storyteller Creative Factory.

2012年6月8日 星期五



2012年6月3日 星期日


BlackRapid Featured Photographer Program,謝了!

2012年3月26日 星期一

借我你的手。Lend Me Your Hands


There are so much in this world worth remembering, so much that it is impossible for me alone to capture them all. People may not allow me to as well. So the best way to to share. To share the joy of capturing, to share the value of pictures from today 10 years later and to share the opportunity of self improvement. That way, I get to see more through your hands, more love, more moments and more everlasting stories.

2012年3月9日 星期五


我以前把自己免費丟出去,都沒有一位攝影師願意帶我去體會婚宴和派對攝影。今天走過來了,也沒有要你做免費的,你是不是應該把重心放在學習和機會那裡? 我以前被教練操得小便出血,也沒哼一聲。後來我當上了最佳球員。今天你不繼續練習,是因為你覺得我給你臉色看?那你回家。我是教練,不是老豆。 這種現象,只會讓整個環境的水準下降。

2012年2月26日 星期日

Save Malaysia

I am not a law professional, neither an experienced politician. I am also not a well-known analyst. Hi, my name is Skyler and I am a Malaysian.

This is how I look at Lynas coming in to Malaysia. Someone has received a lot of money to make this happen even when fellow Malaysians say no.

1. Lynas cannot fail. Should Lynas fail, that someone will be found out eventually.

2. That someone cannot get caught because if he does, he will reveal the person from cow project.

3. Person from cow project cannot get arrested because if she does, she will reveal the person who threw

4.   The person who threw our fellow Malaysian off the window cannot get arrested because if he does,
he will reveal who bombed the Mongolian lady into pieces.

5.   The person who bombed the Mongolian lady into pieces cannot get caught because he is does, he will reveal the person who stole fellow Malaysians’ money through buying a faulty submarine.

6.   The person who bought the faulty submarine cannot get arrested because if he does, he will
reveal the person behind the lost of a fighter jet engine.

7.   The person who stole the engine cannot get caught because if he does, he will reveal how much
our formal prime minister earned from selling our land with oil to Brunei.

And above all these, our Prime Minister is caught using our money to polish his already ruined image through UK Channel.

In a company, if you are caught using company fund for own purpose, you are to be sacked and reported to the police for further investigation.

In a school, if you are caught using class fund for own purpose, you are to be punished by the discipline master and parents are to meet with the headmaster.

Our prime minister though, is sitting there, safe and sound after what he has done.

To me, this is a chain of dirty activities, like the drain at your backyard. Cleaning one part does not correct the situation. Clean it all up is the solution.

You might wonder why the government is still ruling. They give local identity card to immigrants provided they vote for them. They cash out 500 to many to earn votes and stopped the monthly support on old folks in order to get the money to do it. They are buying their votes, and integrity of those who are bought.

I am not here to cause illegal riots or activities. I am just telling you what I tell myself. What do I tell myself? I say ‘Change the government, change our leader’.

Hi, I am Skyler. I am 100% Malaysian Chinese who belongs nowhere else but here in Malaysia. Today, I stand firm and proud, telling the world, and myself, ‘Change the Government, change our leader, change it all. Then, we can save Malaysia, our home’.

2012年2月5日 星期日






2012年1月27日 星期五


今天做了一件殘忍的事。大部份球員出席率不及格,我取消了代表學校出隊比賽這件大事。 苦了一直在努力的你們。

2012年1月2日 星期一



新的一年,我把一年分成五十二個七天,用五十二種方式把自己紀錄起來。新的第一個七天,和妳分享第一種方式 -- 身後的世界。

